mission statement
The Connecting Routes Project is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization committed to uniting communities across America’s train routes through exchanged storytelling. Specifically, we strive:
a. To provide a variety of theatrical entertainment to America’s railroad communities; promoting the spirit of Chicago’s innovative, engaging and accessible theater community;
b. To listen to, record without bias, and exchange stories along the railway utilizing community engagement programs;
c. To bring renewed attention to our nation’s vast railway network, an accessible and environmentally sustainable mode of transportation;
d. To unite the collective soul of the nation through shared storytelling.
Meet our Artistic Associates
Josh Bernaski
Founding Artistic Director,
The Connecting Routes Project
Tour Manager, The Conductors
ashley laverty
Mariah Bennett
Production Designer, The Conductors
Kate Marie Smith
Writer, Creator, Performer,
One Woman Hamlet: Shake(speare) the Stigma Surrounding Mental Health
tommy lukrich
Tour Manager,
One Woman Hamlet: Shake(speare) the Stigma Surrounding Mental Health